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Demolition Manager 2014, Laas / Lasa

Demolition Manager 2014
Demolition Manager 2014
Demolition Manager 2014

Project description

Between 2011 and 2014, Dipl. Ing. Walter Weis B.Sc. was in charge of demolition of the "Whitewater Demolition Project" in the community of Laas (province of Bozen / Bolzano).

The demolition expert was in charge of the following tasks and duties:
  1. Supervision and management of all activities pertaining to the demolition, including electrical and mechanical installations and transportation infrastructure (cableway, medium-high tension electrical equipment, low-voltage electrical distribution, ventilation equipment, monitoring air quality, measurement of the radon concentrations).
  2. Participation in the periodic safety talks
  3. Creation and updating of the safety plan in accordance with Legislative Decree No. 624 dated November 25, 1996
  4. Issuing written instructions in hazardous situations
  5. Investigating any accidents occurring during demolition
  6. Supervising the use of explosives
  7. Organization and supervision of regular safety exercises and training of staff (special classes, etc.)
  8. Planning and monitoring the progress of the demolition and comparing with the 10-year demolition plan
  9. Carrying out calculations and verifications on all support measures and protective structures
  10. Coordinating the tasks carried out simultaneously to avoid conflicts in scheduling and location

Project information

Lasa Marmo, Laas, Italy

Our services
Demolition Manager for construction and E+M

Contact person
Dipl.-Ing. Walter Weis B.Sc.

