Installation of noise-protection walls along the Verona - Brenner railway at Maibad, Sterzing / Vipiteno
Project description
This job included the planning and the construction of noise-protection walls along the Verona-Brenner railroad line, from about km 218.361 to about km 219.001, near the "Maibad" inn. The planning was based on detailed topographic reconnaissance and a geological expertise. The main challenges were: The short planning and construction time (exploiting the planned track closure) and the requirement to work on existent structures which were in part still in operation in extremely inaccessible, steep terrain directly between the railway, houses, and (along some segments) along the banks of the Eisack / Isarco River. Additionally, retaining walls more than a century old had to be dealt with. Because the entire planning area is extremely inaccessible, it was necessary to carry out some of the constructional work (e.g., the concrete work and the mounting of the prefabricated noise-protection panels) from the tracks.
Project information
Südtiroler Transportstrukturen AG, Bozen, Italy
Our services
Overall planning, overall construction management, safety coordination
Contact person
Dott. Ing. Hansjörg Jocher
Südtiroler Transportstrukturen AG, Bozen, Italy
Our services
Overall planning, overall construction management, safety coordination
Contact person
Dott. Ing. Hansjörg Jocher