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New location of the "G. Carducci" liberal arts secondary school, Bozen / Bolzano

New location of the "G. Carducci" liberal arts secondary school
New location of the "G. Carducci" liberal arts secondary school
New location of the "G. Carducci" liberal arts secondary school
New location of the "G. Carducci" liberal arts secondary school
New location of the "G. Carducci" liberal arts secondary school
New location of the "G. Carducci" liberal arts secondary school
New location of the "G. Carducci" liberal arts secondary school
New location of the "G. Carducci" liberal arts secondary school
New location of the "G. Carducci" liberal arts secondary school

Project description

In the context of a pan-European invitation to submit tenders, the project submitted by the Karl + Probst architectural office in Munich was awarded First Prize and recommended for implementation. The new construction achieves the greatest possible outside break and play areas by means of the compact arrangement of construction components. The staggered levels of the schoolyard and the in part shifted body of the main structure create interesting and appealing spatial effects. The new building houses 31 normal classrooms as well as specialized classrooms and auxiliary rooms, office rooms, rooms for the teaching staff, two gymnasiums, and a library. This is an intra-urban project.
Structural engineering: Support of the excavation pit with vertical installation and underpinning of neighboring structures; wide-spanning supporting structures in steel-reinforced concrete; steel-glass façade (hanging façade), prefabricated concrete facades; spatial structural support and activation of all portions of the structure to distribute load.

Project information

Autonome Provinz Bozen, Amt für Hochbau West, Bozen, Italy

Our services
Structural engineering, structural construction management; geotechnical works; excavation planning; fire-protection planning; general construction management; calls for tender, assignment, and invoicing (TAI); safety coordination

Contact person
Dott. Ing. Hermann Leitner
Dr.-Ing. Josef Taferner

Architekturbüro karlundp, München, Germany


ARO Foto & Labor OHG

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