Pedestrian and bicycle path "Isarsteg Nord", Freising
Project description
The concept makes do with a minimum of change to the nature protection area along the Isar River and fits seamlessly into the meadow landscape. The 160-meter-long bridge connects three pedestrian and bicycle paths over the Isar River via two stairways and two low-incline ramps. The main span over the river amounts to 58 meters. The crossing creates the impression of a horizontal high trail through the meadow landscape. The bent shape helps naturally slow traffic down. The walkways, ramps, and stairs always also serve as load-bearing components and also to guide traffic. The forking and branching pattern of the paths is analogous to the structure of the branch of a tree which gradually alters its direction at the site of each budding. The bridge's supporting structure – without seams or abutments – is designed in weatherproof steel. The path surfaces are comprised of 15-cm-thick concrete slabs in combination with hollow steel boxes.
Project information
Stadt Freising, Freising, Germany
Our services
Construction planning, structural engineering, overall construction management
Contact person
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Gander
Christoph Mayr Architekten BdA
Stadt Freising, Freising, Germany
Our services
Construction planning, structural engineering, overall construction management
Contact person
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Gander
Christoph Mayr Architekten BdA
Oliver Jaist