The Peer City Pharmacy, Brixen / Bressanone
Project description
In the context of the reconstruction work on the Peer City Pharmacy, the customer areas in the ground floor were expanded, the working areas restructured, and parts of the building rebuilt. Furthermore, a basement was installed under the building to house an automated warehouse and the technical equipment room of the built-in ventilation system. Because of the great architectural value of the building (which enjoys special protection as an historical building), great care had to be taken in carrying out the various construction measures. Phase 1: Thermal renovation of the roof and expansion of the loft; Phase 2: Demolition and reconstruction of the southern add-on; Phase 3: Renovation and redesign of the pharmacy; Phase 4: renovation of the second story.
Project information
Stadtapotheke Peer, Brixen, Italy
Our services
Structural engineering and structural construction management, fire-protection planning, geotechnical works with planning of the excavation pit, planning of the building's technical equipment, low-energy certification, structural physics, general construction management with construction invoicing, safety coordination
Contact person
Dipl.-Ing. Hermann Leitner
Architekturbüro Fuchs und Peer, Innsbruck, Austria
Stadtapotheke Peer, Brixen, Italy
Our services
Structural engineering and structural construction management, fire-protection planning, geotechnical works with planning of the excavation pit, planning of the building's technical equipment, low-energy certification, structural physics, general construction management with construction invoicing, safety coordination
Contact person
Dipl.-Ing. Hermann Leitner
Architekturbüro Fuchs und Peer, Innsbruck, Austria
Jürgen Eheim, Bergmeister