B15 West Tangent – Bridge BW 5.2, Germany
Project description
Between Federal Highway A8 Munich – Salzburg and the connection to the existent Federal Roadway B15 north of the city of Pfaffenhofen, plans call for the construction of the B15 West Tangent Rosenheim with a total length of 11.25 kilometers. In the course of constructing the new West Tangent, structure 5.2 must be built. Structure 5.2 is the transfer road of a Community Connecting Road (CCR). The subject bridge is to be designed as a single-field structure on bearings with a superstructure of in-situ concrete. The abutments shall rest in part upon the existent CCR. It will be necessary to in part dismantle these abutments and/or widen them.
Project information
Freistaat Bayern, Staatliches Bauamt Rosenheim, Rosenheim, Germany
Our services
Provision of stability verifications incl. execution planning, provision of as-completed documents, construction data, incl. job structure book in accordance with the attached list
Contact person
Dipl.-Ing. Walter Weis B.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Walter Weis B.Sc.
Freistaat Bayern, Staatliches Bauamt Rosenheim, Rosenheim, Germany
Our services
Provision of stability verifications incl. execution planning, provision of as-completed documents, construction data, incl. job structure book in accordance with the attached list
Contact person
Dipl.-Ing. Walter Weis B.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Walter Weis B.Sc.