Museum Bridge, Bozen / Bolzano
Project description
The new construction of the Museum Bridge in Bozen combines a gracefully curving span a path for bicyclists and pedestrians. It is part of an overall architectural concept with the new construction of Bolzano’s Museum for Modern Art and leads visitors from the center of the city directly t the museum district. The bridge's supporting structure consists of curved beams with a span-width of 52.00 meters and a carriageway width of 3.00 meters resting on common abutments. An all-steel cross-section made of weather-proof steel was chosen for the supporting structure, and the triangular supporting cross-section has a variable, organic shape. The external structure is formed by isoperimetric, hybrid shell components which, as a whole, provide the entire bridge with high primary torsional rigidity.
Project information
Autonome Provinz Bozen, Amt für Bauaufträge, Bozen, Italy
Our services
Surveying, Preliminary, application for project approval, and execution project, structural engineering, constructional assistance, workshop planning on behalf of Max Bögl Bauservice GmbH
Contact person
Dipl.-Ing. Walter Weis B.Sc.
KSV Krüger, Schuberth, Vandreike, Berlin, Germany
Autonome Provinz Bozen, Amt für Bauaufträge, Bozen, Italy
Our services
Surveying, Preliminary, application for project approval, and execution project, structural engineering, constructional assistance, workshop planning on behalf of Max Bögl Bauservice GmbH
Contact person
Dipl.-Ing. Walter Weis B.Sc.
KSV Krüger, Schuberth, Vandreike, Berlin, Germany
Soeren Drube